Monday, March 31, 2014

Reflection of My Very First Semester of Nursing School

My first semester of nursing school was something I will remember for the rest of my life. The shock you feel once you realize your no ordinary student puts the whole program into perspective. Meeting the people you will soon call your closest friends makes everything you go through well worth it.

Nursing students, and I'm sure this feeling is mutual throughout all nursing schools, are not among the average students you see walking around campus. Once you start the program you can expect to: have no social life outside of your clinical group, become well aware of what it feels like to be in class for ten hours straight, and completely forget about the idea of cramming before a test. The main shock comes from realizing the world you just stepped into. You as a student are required to know so much at such a fast pace and there is no other option. I know that for me personally failure is and will never be an option, my only choice is to put in the work and achieve what I view as success. All that matters at the end of everyday is that you came and attempted to conquer.
If there's one thing I can picture all professors saying is that "no one else will understand what you're going through unless they're in nursing school," and it is absolutely 100% true. It was so nice to be able to bond with people in your cohort because we're all in the same boat, and if one goes down we all go with them. These people are what made first semester of nursing school one for the books, without them I don't know how or if I would have made it this far. I'm so excited for the rest of the program and to grow closer to all these amazing people. I feel so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such smart, loving, and funny people.
My first semester will be something I will never forget. From the shock of the first test to the meeting of new people, these things are what contribute making the first semester of nursing school an unforgettable one. All that really matters at the end of the day are two things: 1) how hard you tried and 2) the people who were along for the ride.

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